City Bible Forum: Personal Evangelism In A Skeptical World … The ‘How’ And The ‘What To Use’
  • 176 Wattle Street, Malvern

  • Bible College SA

City Bible Forum: Personal Evangelism In A Skeptical World … The ‘How’ And The ‘What To Use’

If you have seen the latest census figures, and are aware of the McCrindle Research study last year, you will know that people in our community are seeing themselves less and less as Christian, but more and more are seeking spiritual life and purpose. This is especially the case among adults aged 18-40.

The time is ripe for everyday Christians to step towards their non-Christian family and friends to share the hope we have in Jesus. Yet we all know that’s not an easy task.

City Bible Forum is excited to be running this in-person training event with speakers Sam Chan and Tim Chen. The event is on both Wednesday 24 August and Thursday 25 August from 7pm-9pm at Bible College SA.

This event is for anyone who is keen to share Jesus with family and friends but is finding it ever more difficult to do so in a hostile and skeptical world. It is for anyone who wants to grow in their personal evangelism skills and discover simple and practical ways to share their faith more effectively.

Registration is essential.

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