6pm Community Event: Dinners Out – City Precinct

6pm Community Event: Dinners Out – City Precinct

Our next 6pm Community Event is a Dinner Out in a public restaurant. But we won’t all be eating at the same place. Instead, a team of hosts have already booked a variety of restaurants for tables of 8-10 people to dine across different locations within the City.

This time you are invited to register with up to two Dinner Buddies of your choice, and then we will be in touch to let you know in advance who your host is, and where you are heading for dinner on the night. Contact Hosts via Michelle Schultz (michelle.schultz@trinity.church).

We will email you Thursday evening, 2nd November, with further information. But feel free to speak with Michelle Schultz or Glen Martin in advance if that’s helpful. 


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