6pm Days Away
  • 40 Spencer Street, Stirling

  • Sunset Rock Uniting Church

6pm Days Away

Join us at the 6pm Days Away – it’s not too late to register!

Registrations are still being accepted. Please contact Michelle Schultz: michelle.schultz@trinity.church

We all find belonging in different ways. A part of the team in sport. An instrument of the orchestra. A voice in the choir. A member of the club. A group of friends who we belong with. But there’s one community that reaches far deeper into who we are. A community that shapes us. A community that is essential to being a Christian. It’s the church. Over these days away, we’ll explore who we are as a church and as the Church.

In response to feedback last time: we are keeping the Friday night/Saturday (day) model, but with an extra small group session, and more time thinking specifically about our 6pm Gathering.

Where: Sunset Rock Uniting Church, 40 Spencer Street, Stirling

When: Friday 30 August 2024, 6pm to 9pm & Saturday 30 August, 9:30am arrival (for 10am start) to 5pm (non-residential) *

*Please use Michelle’s contact details below if you are wanting to join but are unable to make it for the full time

Registrations are still being accepted. Please contact Michelle Schultz: michelle.schultz@trinity.church


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