CMS Summer Conference 2021
  • Corner of Rothesay Avenue & Dorene Street, St Marys

  • Edwardstown Baptist Church

CMS Summer Conference 2021

CMS Summer Conference 2021 is a one-day program (with an evening session) that will run first on Friday and again on Saturday.

A God like no other, with a gospel like no other, in a year like no other.

This year, certain nations in Asia, the ‘black lives matter’ movement and the pandemic have all featured highly in our national media and consciousness. CMS Summer Conference will look beyond the very real suffering, anxieties and tensions highlighted in the headlines to be encouraged from Psalm 98 that God is indeed still at work among all peoples and cultures. You’ll hear how the gospel reaches out to Asian culture and how God is at work in the Northern Territory and around the world right now. Join CMS for an amazing day full of God’s word, missional insights, global perspectives, worship, prayer and song.

CMS partners with churches in seeking a world that knows Jesus. Together they equip, send and support gospel workers as they proclaim Christ across cultures. At Summer Conference 2021 you’ll hear how your partnership with CMS is helping to reach the nations with the news of Jesus.

Start your year at CMS Summer Conference and join with other believers to explore God’s word with Luke Wisley, pray together, meet one-on-one with missionaries and be challenged to join God in his world-wide mission.

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