In many parts of the world the message of life and hope found in the gospel remains untold. Yet, how will they believe if they haven’t heard?
What would it take for people from every tribe, tongue and language to know Jesus when still so many don’t know a Christian and are unable to access a church or bible? Do you hear the cry of the gospel poor? Is there anything we can do from our small pocket of the world? The Untold Gospel calls us to action. Join us as we consider our part in God’s mission for a world that knows Jesus.
Summer Conference is a must attend mission event for your calendar! A full-day conference filled with insightful talks, rich worship and life stories from our missionaries. Summer Conference will enrich our understanding of both gospel and mission calling.
CMS exists to see a world that knows Jesus through partnering with churches to equip, send and support gospel workers as they share about Jesus across cultures. At Summer Conference 2024 you’ll hear how partnership with CMS is helping to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus.
Children and youth
Calling all kids and youth – you are invited to Summer Conference! CMS believes that God calls people of all ages to get involved in His global mission. Come along and spend a day having fun and learning about mission with other kids and youth of the same age. Filled with great teaching, activities and stories from missionaries everyone who comes along will be encouraged to pray, care, give and go (when the time is right!) for God’s global mission.
Early bird registrations close on Friday 24th of November.