John: The Book Of Glory

John: The Book Of Glory

Overview | Sermons | Bible Study


Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

– John 20:30-31 NIV

John’s Gospel emphasises Jesus’ identity as the Messiah and Son of God, one who performs miracles and gives eternal life to all who believe in him.


 A Beginner’s Guide To FootwashingJohn 13:1-17Outline
 Betrayal And DenialJohn 13:12-38Outline
 I Am The Way, The Truth And The LifeJohn 14:1-14Outline
 Another Advocate To Help You…John 14:15-31Outline
 Can A Christian Fall AwayJohn 15:1-8; Mark 4:1-20Outline
 How Christians Should Expect To Be Treated By The WorldJohn 15:18-16:33Outline
 Wouldn’t You Like To Know What Jesus Prays For?John 17:1-26Outline
 Jesus Says, “I AM…”John 6:35-40; 9:1-7; 10:7-10; 10:11-15; 11:21-27; 14:5-6; 15:5-8Outline
 Why Might You Want To Meet Jesus? – Part 1John 18:1-19:42Outline
 Why Might You Want To Meet Jesus? – Part 2John 20:1-31Outline
 After Easter, How Should We Respond?John 21:1-25Outline
 Real Resurrection/Real ImplicationsJohn 21:1-25Outline


Bible study