If the church is a family (and it is!) then every single one of its members matters.
Join with members from Trinity Church Adelaide as Simon Flinders helps us understand why family matters so much for all of us…married and single Christians alike.
We will be watching recordings of recently delivered talks at a Full Day Single Minded conference held in May 2024.
$10 per person Register (or ask questions!) here.
Registration is helpful, but not essential – you can still turn up on the night ($10 fee still applies)
Single Minded events are designed to help churches better love, care for & honour single members. This means these events are for all brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
Single Minded is a ministry that equips, encourages, and teaches about a Christ glorifying vision of singleness. They are a ministry for both singles and marrieds. They are not a matchmaking ministry, they are not an activist or lobbying ministry, and they do not provide pastoral counselling services. Visit their website here. Check out their full Family Matters 2024 Seminar Series: 3 events which will explore how churches can be places where Divorcees, Single Parents and Single Men matter in the family of God.